You should convert the JPEG to a PICT file before installing.
1. Download from a Mac shareware internet site or AOL and install the following control panels and extensions:
• Aaron 1.2 or 1.3
• Menu Bar Pattern 1.3.1
• ScreenChooser 3.1
OR instead of ScreenChooser, After Dark's Screen Posters using Wall Zapper to set it up
2. After installing the above, restart, and:
• Open Menu Bar Pattern control panel
set the menu bar to Transparent
• Put the Pict file in a folder, either one you make or anywhere you choose.
Open After Dark and go to settings -> Wall Zapper -> select the PICT OR
• Open the ScreenChooser utility and use the "Choose an Image Folder" button to select
the folder where you stored the PICT file
I used Aaron and After Dark's Screen Poster utility to get my desktop to appear and have the menu bar titles line up properly. Without Aaron, or Greg's Buttons 3.7.3 (or newer) with Espi Sans selected, the titles will not line up. This will ONLY work on a 14" monitor. (The JPEG is 643 x 480 pixels) To use it on a larger monitor, you'll have to go into a graphic imaging application (such as Photoshop or DeBabelizer) and edit the Image Size yourself! This will decrease the quality of the image, so you'd be better off downloading one of my other desktops, in 15" or 21" format. I've uploaded them to the same archives as this one was found on. sorry. : )
Other Stuff-
Menu bar concept is from AOL member SH Stealth, and the grid concept is from AOL member HAMLETBP. I saw their work and took the concept behind it into Photoshop and went a little spacey. All artwork was created from scratch, with no scanning or copying of other files from AOL.
This desktop is Helpware.
This desktop was designed in support of a dear friend who entered the hospital for surgery on February 27th. He has Crohn's Disease (Ileitis, Colitis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease) and insurance is not covering the entire procedure.
A donation of ANY amount would be greatly appreciated to help lessen the burden of his medical bills.
This desktop artwork took a great deal of time, and if you plan on installing it for more than a week, please pay the HELPWARE Fee minimum of $5.00. Thank you.
Yigal Edinger
C/O FunkyGrafX
493 Dogwood Avenue
West Hempstead, NY 11552
Please make checks/M.O.'s in the name of Yigal Edinger